Join Our Group Coaching Program and Save Time and Money With Personalized Support, Expert Guidance, and a Community Filled of Like-Minded Women


Freedom From Pelvic Issues With Cost-Effective Programs and Expert Advice Tailored to Your Symptoms and Goals


Why Choose The Pelvic Wellness Academy Group Coaching!?











  • Step-by-Step Plan Tailored to YOUR SYMPTOMS

  • Customized fun and challenging workouts in our easy to use training app (Can be done on YOUR schedule at home or in the gym)

  • Nutrition advice for pelvic health and overall wellness + tips to stick to healthy eating from a Certified Nutritionist

  • Unlimited Support in the Pelvic Wellness Community with direct access to your coaches to get real time feedback

  • PLUS Weekly Live Zoom Calls where you can get ALL your questions answered

  • Safe and Welcoming Community with over 100 like-minded women on their health journey just like you! Connect with others away from social media and get supported and uplifted every step of the way

  • Get access to our exclusive webinars and easy-to-follow courses designed to help you understand YOUR health better than ever before. Learn more with us than you would in an in-person PT session—at a fraction of the price

How will The Pelvic Wellness Academy Group Coaching change your life?

We will teach you HOW to workout properly to heal your symptoms and see the results you want while ensuring everything is good "down there"

You will be given fun and challenging workouts designed to heal YOUR symptoms! Whether it's leakage, prolapse, low back pain, or just improving your overall strength and endurance etc we have you covered.

We will teach you small and manageable habits to add to your daily life to help with your pelvic health, fueling your body, and strategies for healthy weight loss to improve your overall well-being.

You will learn EVERYTHING about women's health in our weekly zoom calls and easy to follow courses

Why should I do group coaching vs. 1:1 coaching? Will it help the same?

Group coaching can be a great choice over 1:1 coaching for several reasons. It’s less of a financial investment, making it a more budget-friendly option. In a group, you’ll still get support, but with less intense accountability, which is good if you prefer a bit more flexibility. Group coaching also creates a sense of community, where you can learn from others' experiences and feel motivated by their progress unlike 1:1. Plus, with our 1:1 coaching we can only take on so many clients at a time, so group coaching allows more people to benefit from guidance and support to become symptom-free.

What kind of results can I expect with group coaching?

With group coaching you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of pelvic floor health and how to effectively manage your condition. You'll learn practical strategies and exercises to support your healing journey. All of our clients report improved symptoms, increased confidence in managing their health, and a sense of community and support. Results vary, but with commitment and consistent effort you can achieve significant progress.

Is this only for pelvic floor issues? What if I need help for other areas?

The group coaching program is open to individuals with a variety of conditions, not just pelvic floor issues. While we specialize in both orthopedic and pelvic health issues, the program includes strategies and exercises that can benefit a wide range of conditions, including shoulder, hip, and back pain etc.. Our approach is designed to address various aspects of physical health, so you can expect to receive valuable guidance whether you're dealing with pelvic floor concerns or other musculoskeletal issues.

Are there any prerequisites or prior knowledge required to join the group coaching program?

No, there are no prerequisites or prior knowledge required to join the group coaching program. It is designed to accommodate individuals at various stages of their pelvic floor health journey, whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding. All the necessary information and guidance will be provided throughout the program to ensure everyone can benefit and achieve their goals.

Is there a minimum commitment? Do I get locked into a contract?

No! There is no minimum commitment, no contracts, you can cancel at ANY time.

Can I do this while pregnant? Or early postpartum?

Yes, the group coaching program is designed to be safe and beneficial for individuals who are pregnant or in the early postpartum period. The exercises and guidance provided will be tailored to accommodate your stage of pregnancy or postpartum recovery. You'll receive specific modifications and recommendations. ALWAYS consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially during pregnancy or postpartum.

Will I have access to real coaches if I have questions and need support?

Yes, in addition to our weekly group zoom calls, you have direct access to our coaches via a separate private group chat and within the Skool community to get all of your questions and concerns answered in a timely manner.

Will my workouts actually be customized? Where will they be?

Yes, your workouts will be customized to meet your individual needs and goals in our branded app that you can download. While the group coaching program provides a structured framework, we understand that each person is unique. Therefore, within the group setting, you'll receive tailored advice and modifications to ensure your workouts are suitable for your specific situation, fitness level, and pelvic floor health. This approach helps you achieve the best possible results while addressing your personal needs.

How often will my workouts change?

Every 4 weeks you will get new workouts in our branded app where you can track your workouts and progress (body stats, food, pictures) all in one app. However, if things are not working for you in the current plan we can change it at any time. Thats the beauty of a coaching experience!

Do I have to have a Skool account to join the group coaching program?

Yes! If you want access to our weekly zoom calls, the education courses, the community, you will have to create a Skool account. This is our primary method of communication.

Will I get support on my exercise technique? How do I know if I'm doing it right?

Yes! You will be able to submit videos of you doing your workout in our private group coaching chat and get real-time support and feedback on your form and technique. Thats the beauty of coaching, being able to receive real-time feedback unlike other fitness apps where you participate without any feedback.

What kind of nutrition guidance will be available?

In the group coaching program we focus on providing guidance for healthy eating and principles of fueling your body, especially for rehab and recovery. While we don’t offer macro tracking (which is reserved for 1:1 coaching), you’ll receive valuable information on weight loss, balanced nutrition, and how to support your overall health and fitness goals. Our aim is to help you understand how to make nutritious choices that complement your exercise routine and enhance your recovery and overall women's metabolic health.

Will the zoom coaching calls be recorded?

Every zoom call will be recorded and housed within our Skool community afterwards so you do not need to worry about missing them. You can always ask your questions in the team chat if you are unable to make it to the zoom calls.

Will I still get personalized attention in a group setting?

Absolutely! While group coaching involves multiple participants, there is still plenty of opportunity for personalized attention. You can ask questions, share your experiences, and receive tailored advice by leaning into the coaching. Additionally, the diverse perspectives from group members can provide valuable insight.

What equipment will I need?

For the group coaching program, you will need some basic equipment to effectively perform the exercises and progressively overload each week. This includes resistance bands, a set of dumbbells, and potentially other resistance tools like a stability ball, lacrosse ball, or a foam roller. Specific recommendations for weights and resistance levels will be provided based on your individual fitness level and progression. Having this equipment will help you get the most out of your workouts and support your journey toward better pelvic floor health.

Let's Get Started!

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